Dementia/ Alzheimer’s Resources in Bengali

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Archived webpages of a website with several pages and a caregiver guide in Bengali.

The website of Alzheimer’s Society Bangladesh is now defunct but it had several pages in Bengali that explained dementia and related caregiving. The archives pages are still available, and can be seen.

A Bengali caregiver help guide (PDF file) prepared with the help of Alzheimer’s Disease International (ADI) and the World Health Organisation (WHO) was released in Sept 2016. This guide is available with permission of Alzheimer’s Society Bangladesh on our site, here: Dementia Poricharjakarir Sohaika (Help for Caregivers) (PDF file) . You can also view it in the player below.

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From ARDSI Kolkata Chapter: Bengali books. Also, helpline and in-person support.

ARDSI Kolkata is an active chapter working to support families with dementia. They have a helpline, and provide information, support, and counselling in Bengali. They have published books in Bengali and may also be having printed booklets on dementia/ care in Bengali.

Some Bengali material is available on their site, at in new window. This includes audio clips on What is dementia (ডিমেনশিয়া কি ) (1:43 minutes), Understanding the brain and it’s effect with dementia (13:56 minutes) and dementia care tips (14:22 minutes). কোভিড ১৯ এর সময়ে ডিমেনশিয়া কেয়ার.

Contact them using their Dementia Helpline at 08232014540 Monday to Saturday, 10:00 am to 4:00 pm, or email them at More details on them are available at: Resources for dementia care: Kolkata, Siliguri (West Bengal).

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From Old age/ Mental Health Portals from India: short introductions for dementia/ Alzheimer’s Disease.

White Swan Foundation, a website on mental health, has a Bengali section. This includes pages on dementia and Alzheimer’s, such as Dementia ডিমেনশিয়া Opens in new window, Alzheimer’s Disease অ্যালঝাইমার্‌স ডিসিস্‌ Opens in new window, and Understanding Alzheimer’s Disease অ্যালঝাইমার্‌স ডিসিস্‌ বলতে কী বোঝায়? Opens in new window.

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From other Alzheimer’s Associations worldwide: short introductions for dementia/ Alzheimer’s Disease.

Some other countries that have Bengali-speaking residents have also published dementia/ Alzheimer’s and care information in Bengali to help the residents understand about dementia and care, and so that these residents know about the resources/ services these countries have to help families coping with dementia (Note that the resource information in these booklets is specific to the country that published the booklet).

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Videos in Bengali (YouTube).

Some dementia organizations in the UK have created videos dubbed in various Indian languages to help their South Asian resident understand dementia and its symptoms. These are basic, useful videos. However, the services and support they mention refer to the UK—for India, you will need to locate suitable resources here.

Or view them as a playlist below.

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Bengali book explaining dementia to children.

cover of Tannar Dimma
Tannar Dimma তান্নার দিম্মা (Indrani Barua): This is a children’s story,giving a grandchild’s perspective of a grandmother with dementia. The child first notices the differences in the person, and later, after understanding how dementia is affecting the grandparent, begins doing a number of small things to make life easier for the grandparent while also finding ways to retain the quality of life – whether by walks (with name tags for safety) or gardening or working in the kitchen(in safe ways). Sensitively written, very suitable for explaining dementia to children. Available on as paperback.

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Information on some organizations working in Kolkata is provided at our page here: Resources for dementia care: Kolkata, Siliguri (West Bengal) Some of these may be able to provide more support/ information in Bengali.

There are also some movies where a main character has dementia, like Mayurakshi (ময়ুরাক্ষী) and Sraboner Dhara(শ্রাবনের ধারা). Read about these and their depiction of dementia, and how their can be used to understand dementia and what are their limitations as a source of dementia/ care information: Indian movies depicting dementia.

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