Presentations with information on dementia and caregiving

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This section includes a number of documents and presentations for dementia awareness and for caregiver training. The pages in this section are listed below.

  • Brief introduction to dementia. Sometimes we need to give people a quick and compact introduction on dementia. This one-page document is meant for such situations.
  • Simple explanation of dementia care. When someone in the family gets dementia, detailed explanations of care can be overwhelming. This short, two page note gives a simple and brief explanation of what dementia care involves. English and Hindi versions can be viewed on the player.
  • What is the Difference between Dementia and Alzheimer’s? This page includes English and Hindi videos that answer the frequently asked question-what is the difference between dementia and Alzheimer’s. It uses sketches and explanations to explain the relationship.
  • Orientation for attendants for dementia home care. This note can be used by families as a starting point for orienting attendants for dementia home care. The note includes pictures the attendant can be shown.
  • Dementia and Communication: Problems faced, tips for family caregivers. Talking with a dementia patient is often difficult because patients face problems understanding others and cannot explain their needs. This page has links to English and Hindi videos that discuss problems patients face. These videos suggest how families can change the way they talk and interact.
  • Helping with Activities of Daily Living, an example. This presentation uses a simple example to illustrate some important aspects of helping patients with daily activities. It is available in English and in Hindi.
  • Dementia and wandering: suggestions for family caregivers. Wandering is a common and alarming problem in dementia patients. Some patients may wander for hours and days. Some may never be found. This page includes English and Hindi videos that discuss wandering. The videos explain why patients wander, how to reduce wandering, and how to be prepared to get the patients home safe and early in case they do wander.
  • Dementia Awareness (Comprehensive). This comprehensive dementia awareness presentation is intended for use by trainers. It is also useful for others. While made for use in India, it may also be useful for other audiences. The presentation can be viewed as slides or as a video.
  • General caregiving: Tips For Those New To Caregiving. Persons new to caregiving sometimes have no idea what to expect, and how to plan and adjust to this role. This detailed note shares tips for all long-duration caregiving situations. It is meant for all caregivers, not just dementia caregivers.

The site also includes several detailed pages to explain dementia (see section About Dementia.) and for various care aspects (see section Caring for persons with dementia).

Next: Introduction to dementia
Dementia Care Notes