About Dementia

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This section gives an introduction to dementia.

Basic information about dementia, useful for all caregivers.

Caregivers of dementia patients need to understand dementia so that they can understand what the patient is going through. They need to know about underlying diseases, and how these may affect the progress of dementia. They also need to know what sort of behavior to expect. Understanding these helps them plan for their caregiving and to cope with the situation effectively, and with less stress. The following pages include information on these aspects.

Also, Dementia in India: An overview provides a simple overview to the current state of dementia and related care in India.

Advanced reading topics for interested readers.

Some site visitors may be interested in reading more about dementia, such as reports on the status of dementia in India, important published national and international reports, overview of important research, etc. These advanced reading pages listed below are for readers who want a deeper understanding of these topics and also related links.

Next: What is dementia?
Dementia Care Notes